Thursday 10 April 2014

Blog Makanan di Labuan: OutSyed The Box: Rats !! USM Board Of ... - Blog Makanan di Labuan

Blog <b>Makanan di Labuan</b>: OutSyed The Box: Rats !! USM Board Of <b>...</b> - Blog Makanan di Labuan

Blog <b>Makanan di Labuan</b>: OutSyed The Box: Rats !! USM Board Of <b>...</b>

Posted: 21 Jan 2014 01:06 AM PST

  • Emergency meeting to discuss HUSM rat problem
  • KOTA BARU: USM board of governors is calling for an emergency meeting at the USM campus hospital (HUSM) to look into the severity of the rat infestation there.
  • Board chairman Tan Sri Dr Zulkefli A. Hassan said the meeting would be held tomorrow and the hospital director had been told to be ready.
  • "We also want to know what remedial measures have been taken by the hospital management. The meeting is to deliberate on the infestation problem and to find an effective solution as soon as possible,'' he said.
  • The Star had exposed the serious rat and mice infestation problem in the hospital, with the suspended ceilings among the infested areas.
  • It is learnt that sewer rats from an adjacent business centre had also "migrated" to the hospital through sewer tunnels. 
  • infestation is said to have gone on for 10 years !
  • Health Ministry has ordered the Kelantan Health Department to investigate the rat infestation at HUSM immediately.

Well we must congratulate The Star for arriving at the scene after 10 years. Imagine if The Star had not reported this matter - the rat problem would have gone on until Wawasan 2020 and beyond.

Deputy Minister of Education YB Kamalanathan (whom I met again just a few days ago at our favorite restaurant in PJ) said he was shocked at the rat infestation problem at the HUSM in Kota Bharu. 

Actually I am shocked that YB Kamal is shocked. In Malaysia most things are shocking. So there is really nothing to be shocked about anymore.  

In Malaysia, I will be shocked if there are no rats. 

I will be shocked if there are no roofs of buildings falling down. 

I will be shocked if the Prime Minister knows what he is saying and 

I will be totally shocked if the rasuah types do not win the UMNO elections.  

There are so many shocking things happening in Malaysia that they simply do not shock me anymore. In fact I have become numb towards shock. What about you folks? Do you still suffer shocks?

Are you shocked when a Minister's unemployed son buys an RM7.2 Million house and his father says 'So what?' Dont be shocked. This is the run of things in Malaysia.

Are you shocked when RM360 million is siphoned out of a poor peoples' fund to buy Harley Davidson and Porsches? I am not shocked at all. And the 'Kau' says 'Kam sa dau' ("I dont know" in Vietnamese).

So I am shocked when YB Kamal said that he was shocked about the 10 year rat infestation problem.  Folks, Dr Mahathir retired as our Prime Minister 10 years ago. 

Anyway lets get back to more shocking news. After 10 years of rat infestation, the Board of Governors of the HUSM has called for an emergency meeting. They say the "hospital director had been told to be ready".   Folks, here is a picture of the hospital director getting ready for the meeting :

Here is a picture of a member of the HUSM Board of Dinosaurs :

While you are checking up on the rats, can the HUSM Board of Dinosaurs also check and see if the nurses know how to extract blood from the patients on the first try? Try to avoid pricking the patients five times or six times. Three times is better than five times but still painful. If you can get it done on the first attempt that would be best.

Is the Board of Governors of HUSM Kubang Kerian aware of that problem as well? Dont be shocked. I am not shocked. 

Tree Top Restaurants <b>Labuan</b> Bajo - Fahmi Anhar

Posted: 20 Mar 2014 06:15 PM PDT

Deru baling-baling pesawat ATR 72 500 Wings Air sudah tidak terdengar lagi. Hamparan laut biru dengan gugusan pulau-pulau kecil di bawah pun sudah tak terlihat lagi. Saya baru saja mendarat di Bandar Udara Komodo, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Sengatan panas matahari terasa 2 kali lipat dari biasanya disini. Panas sekali. Ahh akhirnya, kesampaian juga mengantarkan kedua kaki ini menjejakkan tanah bumi Flobamora.

Bandar Udara Komodo Flores

norak? bodo amat | Bandar Udara Komodo Flores

Setelah beres dengan urusan bagasi, saya dan teman-teman langsung ngesot ke Labuan Bajo. Dari bandara ke pusat kota, saya belum menemukan kesan positif dari Labuan Bajo. Hanya panas dan debu-debu yang beterbangan. Jalanan di kota ini meskipun sudah diaspal mulus, namun naik turun dan berkelok mengikuti kontur perbukitan. Perut jadi mual. Apalagi kondisinya sedang lapar tingkat propinsi. Pokoknya belum merasa nyaman lah berada di Labuan Bajo.

Namun semua perasaan itu mulai pudar ketika kami memutuskan untuk "berteduh" di sebuah restoran. Satu demi satu tangga kayu saya naiki, dan sampai di tangga terakhir, pada saat itulah saya mulai merasa jatuh hati dengan Labuan Bajo. Kami mampir di Tree Top Restaurants namanya. Sebuah tempat makan unik yang terletak di jalan Soekarno Hatta, Kampung Tengah, Labuan Bajo, Flores, NTT. Cukup mudah untuk mengenalinya. Cari saja bangunan kayu bertingkat 3 yang berdiri diantara himpitan toko-toko kecil dan kios agen perjalanan wisata ke Pulau Komodo.

Tree Top Cafe Labuan Bajo

View Tree Top Labuan Bajo, tsakep!!!

Mak! View dari sini keren banget! Hamparan laut biru, puluhan kapal nelayan dan phinisi yang tak bisa bergerak bebas dalam ikatan jangkar, serta gugusan pulau-pulau kecil di kejauhan. Perairan Taman Nasional Komodo terhampar luas di depan mata. Yang paling epic dari Tree Top Restaurrants ini adalah kita bisa gelesotan di lantai 3 sambil menikmati view pelabuhan Labuan Bajo. Tersedia kasur-kasur mini dan bantal empuk.

Kami memesan set menu berisi seafood paket lengkap. Ada ikan kerapu goreng tepung, udang goreng, cumi asam manis, kerang saus tiram dan ranjungan! Disajikan dengan empat macam sambal, yaitu sambal matah, sambal terasi, sambal kecap manis dan sambal kecap asin. Sepiring nasi hangat, tumis kangkung dan aneka menu seafood adalah kombinasi yang sangat pas. Woohoo! Air liur langsung menetes membanjiri meja makan hahaha. Saking kalapnya, hidangan ini hanya bertahan beberapa menit di meja. Ludes!

Cari Hotel Murah di Labuan Bajo? Klik Disini

Seafood Party Treetop Restaurants Labuan Bajo

Seafood Party

Tree Top Restaurants bisa menjadi pilihan salah satu tempat makan di Labuan Bajo. Aneka menu makanan tersedia disini. Mulai dari masakan lokal khas Flores, aneka seafood hingga makanan western style. Pelayanannya ramah dan harga yang dipatok pun bervariasi dan masih terjangkau. Apalagi ditambah dengan suasana dan view kece. Mantabs!

Sambal Tree Top Restaurants Labuan Bajo

Sambal Tree Top Restaurants Labuan Bajo

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