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Blog <b>Makanan di Labuan</b>: OutSyed The Box: Rats !! USM Board Of <b>...</b> - Blog Makanan di Labuan

Blog <b>Makanan di Labuan</b>: OutSyed The Box: Rats !! USM Board Of <b>...</b>

Posted: 26 Apr 2014 11:36 AM PDT

attractionI am going to take you to a country which is full of islands. Any guess? Yes, you are right. It's Malaysia. There are878 islands in Malaysia. This country is known for its stunning sights and attractions. We are going to explore its astounding natural beauty that magnetizes vacationers/ tourists or visitors attraction. It's a country of exclusive culture and tradition. It's one of the best places on the globe with delicious cuisine and hospitable people. Kuala Lumpur is its capital with charming iconic Petronas Twin Towers.  Malaysia has many offshore geographical places. There would be around 510 which include ridges, sandbank and rocks. It's a multicultural state with many festivals and celebrations. Tour to Malaysia, is really a unique and pleasant experience.

There're lots of choices to stay in Malaysia, so it's tough to decide where to stay?

Mid-range hotels and 5 stars hotels with Chinese, Indian or Malaysian traditional cuisine and cozy rooms are easily available for vacationers/visitors anywhere in cities. You can enjoy luxury hotels or resorts located on islands. Accommodation is so cheap in Malaysia, you can easily get a room for $ 3 to $ 9 USD/night. Private rooms are available for $ 11 to $ 20 USD/night. You can camp in Taman Negara and can save lodgings cost.

Anyways, here're some suggestions.

Lone Pine Hotel, located Batu Ferringhi, Penang Island, posses welcoming staff, stunning swimming pool, lip-smacking food, and calm atmosphere with beautiful sea views. You can get a huge variety of cocktails in bar corner.

Golden Sands Resort by Shangri-La, located on Batu Ferringhi beach, Penang Island, is a fantastic family resort, offers services such as water sports, tennis court, delicious food, pools, cozy rooms, hospitable staff and family entertainment center. Its cuisine includes Bar & Grill pizzas and seafood, tea/coffee, snacks, pastries.

where to stay

Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur, in Kuala Lumpur City Centre, is a fantastic hotel with superb services. Welcoming staff, comfortable rooms, suspended pool and delicious Malaysian food make it more worthy staying.

Tanjong Jara Resort, located on Batu, Dungun, is one of the top 25 hotels in Malaysia, offers services such as Spa village, Pools, tennis court, delicious dining out, air-conditioned rooms, seafood and bar. You can spend a relaxing morning with coffee and newspaper on the beach.

Berjaya Tioman Resort, located in Pulau Tioman, is a traditional Malay style resort, offers services like pools, golf, tennis court, spa, coffee, snacks, global drinks, tasty food, air-conditioning cozy rooms and water sports including diving, fishing, snorkelling etc.

The Majestic Hotel, Majestic Malacca, Cameron Highlands Resort and Sama-Sama Hotel, in Kuala Lumpur, Holiday Villa Beach Resort & Spa and Four Seasons Resort in Langkawi, Miri Marriot Resort & Spa, Mega Hotel, Grand Palace Hotel and Imperial Palace Hotel in Miri, Seven Terraces, Yeng Keng Hotel, Museum Hotel and Hotel Panega are also wonderful places to stay in Malaysia. 

As far as meal is concerned, you can have it in restaurants, western hotels , cooking own when living in camping or as a street meal and just have to pay $1 to $3 USD /head for street meal, $4 to $6 USD/head in restaurants while western food is a bit expensive. Malaysia is a Muslim country that's why drinks are expensive here. Anyways, here are some suggestions of restaurants for you.

Dining in the Dark, located on Changkat Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur, is an amazing restaurant deeply into darkness and offers delicious food including soups, desserts etc.


Black Forest, located on Changkat Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur, offers German cuisine.

Kebaya, located on Stewart Lane, Georgetown, Penang Island, offers good services and food.

Living Room Cafe Bar & Gallery, located on Batu Ferringhi, Penang Island, is a good place for families, lovebirds, special occasion or groups. You can enjoy Bar, Asian and Eclectic cuisine here until late night.

Top Spot Food Court, located Bukit Mata Kuching, Kuching is a family restaurant, offers best seafood and opens until late night.

Jambu Restaurant and Lounge, located on Crookshank Road, Kuching is a restaurant offers best pasta in town. It also deals with Bistro, Bar for cocktails and Tapas etc.

Black bean, The Heritage, Tribal Stove and Bella Italia are also superb restaurants in Kuching with the fantastic setting near river.

La Casa Kuantan, Crocodile Rock Pizza & Grill Restaurant, Satay Zul, and Dallah Restaurant in Kuantan offer great services with superb cuisine.

Malaysia is a country with many attractions or points of interests and more exciting thing is those are quite cheap. Here're some suggestions, and you must visit those places once you are in Malaysia.

Birch Memorial Clock Tower, located in one of the biggest cities of Malaysia named "Ipoh". Here're plenty of attention-grabbing sights such as museums, temples and historical buildings.


Galeria Perdana, Rice Museum, and  Padi Langkawi, in Langkawi, are amazing places with precious stuff and collection, to visit. Langkawi is a beautiful island with lovely beaches and plenty of interesting sights. Ave Stella Maris Catholic Chapel is a beautiful church. Langkawi Wildlife Park and Underwater World are educational and exciting places with lots of fun.

The Islamic city "Kota Bharu" is a great city with royal places, museums, and plenty of other eye-catching sights.

Taman Negara National Park is a beautiful park in oldest rainforest Taman Negara. It's a place with lots of activities like trekking, safaris, and canopy walks.


Islamic Art Museum, Petronas Twin Towers, Putrajaya Bridge, Petrosains Science Discovery Centre, Kuala Lumpur Bird Park, Thean Hou Temple, and Lake Garden Parks are some suggested amazing places to visit in Kuala Lumpur.

Mount Kinabalu National Park, is the best choice for hiking, this Park is full of fun and will never disappoint you on your visit.

Malaysia is a land of festivals and celebrations as multicultural people exist here. Tourists or vacationers can enjoy these festivals almost every month of the year. Here are some suggestions for our visitors.

Tamil Community celebrates festival named "Thaipusam". It's a unique festival that is worth seeing. It can be best observed at Batu Caves in Selangor or Penang, in Januanry.

Chinese New Year is celebrated in February and last for 15 days. You can enjoy lion dances, fireworks, and delicious Chinese meal.

In April, Good Friday and Malaysia Water Festival are celebrated.

Wesak Day, and Harvest Festival are celebrated in May.

June is a month with amazing festivals like Hari Gawai and Dragon Boat Festivals.

July and August are the months with festivals such as the Rainforest World Music Festival, Independence day, Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Hungry Ghost Festival.

September becomes more colorful with Malaysia Day and Mid-Autumn Festival.

Hari Raya Haji, Deepavali Festivals of Lights, and Christmas are celebrated in October, November and December.

Malaysia is not less than a heaven for shopaholics. Super international brands have covered Malaysian market and have luxury stores here. Sales at shopping mall attract many tourists every year. Mega Sales held on Christmas and Independence Day and last up to two months.

Utama, BB Plaza, Fahrenheit88, Lot10, Plaza Low Yat, Suria KLCC and Sogo are some remarkable shopping malls in Kuala Lumpur.


ICT@Komtar, Island Plaza, Midlands One Stop, Plaza Gurney, Prangin Mall, Queensbay Mall and Straits Quay are some suggested shopping centers in Penang.

Langkawi Fair is a beautiful place for a shop in Langkawi.

Malaysia is a country with beaches. Therefore, beach holidays can be enjoyed all around the year. Summer season is mild, and usually climate is pleasant in Malaysia so you can visit it in all seasons. Anyhow, December and January are two peak tourists' seasons.  From June until August is also a good time to enjoy beaches activities.

when to fly

I assure you, your vacations to this country holding natural beauty, would be a treasured and unforgettable experience.

Sri Mersing - Blog <b>Makanan di Labuan</b> - Blogger

Posted: 06 May 2014 11:54 AM PDT

first time ke labuan. tentunya sangat teruja, tp ada masalah sikit pula bila flight delayed. sepatutnya naik belon pukul 11.50 tapi pukul 1 baru naik. penerbangan kl - labuan menaiki boeing 737 mengambil masa selama 2 jam 30 minit. kami dijamu nasi beryani, em x selera makan sgt. layan air je. 

sampai di labuan. wah. comel je airport, tp jgn x percaya ia international airport. keluar airport terus jumpe orang pd kg sg labu. incik muzaide, marni & din. hallo... dapat jumpe sekali owner kereta sewa kami, reen. destinasi pertama - homestay   tp x boleh chk in lagi, sebab owner homestay ni dj labuan fm. incik tgh on air, jadi kami terus ke pd kg sg labu dulu. kawasan pd di tepi pantai. wah... agak panas ye di sini, tp ada wifi. seronok sikit la kan. hehehe. 

selesai perbincangan serba ringkas. kami kembali ke homestay dah chk in. rumah incik dj besar jua, bilik kami di bahagian depan sebelah kanan rumah beliau (pandangan dari jalan utama). bilik agak besar, boleh memuatkan 7-8 orang, ada air cond, ada air sejuk dan panas. cuma tiada water heater. kalau mandi, sgt sejuk. brrr...

selesai cerita pasal homestay, kita cerita pasal makan. makanan pertama kami cuba di sini ialah ketam butter milk. bunyi pelik, apa kata kita cuba. lokasi makan kami adalah di anjung ketam, tanjung aru. minimum order di sini ialah 300 gm. jadi kami makan ketam & udang masak steam. sebab kat sini style dia ada 4 kedai ala2 medan selera gitu kan. tp kite order makanan di kedai kite makan saja. ok la jua makanan, cuma servis lambat sikit. mungkin kita dtg awal sgt kut - around 5 lebih. 

habis makan, rehat dan prepare utk training esok. training kami ternyata perkara biasa sahaja. maklumlah dah pakar. hee. 7 orang peserta, macam2 karenah. gelak saja. hahaha. mkn tgh hari pertama. kfc saje. em, ke bandar labuan. macam di zaman 80-an. sempoi saja. jalan2 sekejap di pantai sambil membaca sedikit sejarah labuan. menarik. selesai training, kami ke bandar sekali lagi. o'o kedai byk yg dah tutup. masa tu baru pukul 6.30 macam tu. hari sudah malam. kami pun makan dah rehat. 

esoknya. kami ada masa utk shopping sekejap. kami ke bandar. lokasi : bazar labuan. shopping sikit beberapa barang menarik yg ada antaranya tshirt labuan, fridge magnet, key chain. lain2 benda biasa juge seperti di tempat2 lain. seronok shopping, tahu2 kereta sewa kami disaman. alahai, pacik polis, kamu memang mengecewakan. xpe, redho saja. seterusnya kami melepak jap di dataran labuan dan kemudian ke muzium chimney. ada peninggalan sejarah arang batu di sini. laluan pulang kami menandakan kami sudah pusing bahagian hujung labuan. terbaik bukan. 

training hari kedua, kami memanfaatkan training dgn aktiviti. sampai la ke pukul 6 ptg. sempat juge bergambar beramai2. tak dilupakan survenir utk kami. wee. terima kasih warga pd kg sg labu. jumpe kamu lagi nanti. terima kasih atas perkongsian perkara menarik, makanan menarik serta mengembirakan kami sepanjang kami di labuan. 

petang ni, melepak sekejap di peace park. tempat ni nama damai. ada beberapa peninggalan sejarah juga di sini. cik cak sekejap di tempat penyerahan ni. ok. lapar makan di medan selera. makan kepak ayam & mee grg. layan... selesai makan2 balik n pergi bataras store. cari makanan sikit. hee

last night kat labuan. lepak tgk picture. gelak2 kan gambar. hee smp time, tidur. esok nak jalan jauh kan. bangun pagi, siapkan beberapa kerja n bersiap utk ke kk. cubaan utk bayar saman tidak berjaya. kami jalan2 di dataran walk sambil breakfast. kenyang, kami terus ke airport. airport labuan ni agak bosan jua. hanya ada mcd, old town n beberapa kedai makan, coklat n perfume. flight kali ni on time. terbaik. ok jom ke kk. smp di kk, kami update balik ye. 

indah. langit merah di labuan. 

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